Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Why We Can't Create Con Folder in Windows ?

A Reason Behind Why We Can't Create Specific Folders in Windows

Most of us are aware, we can't create a folder with name "Con" in windows and all most many of us don't know the reason.

Well I present you the reason and list of keywords which we can't use in windows to create folders or file.


We cannot create folder with con, aux, nul because these are reserved keywords used by DOS. So if we were allowed to create such folders than there will be an ambiguity, in where to write data when the data is supposed to; go to the specified devices.
Keywords and Their corresponding Functions:
Reserved KeywordsFunction
CONKeyboard and Display
PRNSystem list device, usually a parellel port
AUXAuxiliary Device,usually a serial port
NULBit-Bucket Device
A:-Z:Drive Letter
COM1First Serial communications port
COM2Second Serial communications port
COM3Third Serial communications port
COM4Fourth Serial communications port
LPT1First Parallel printer port
LPT2second Parallel printer port
LPT3Third Parallel printer port