Friday, February 28, 2014

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Initial Configuration of CLI Management of Cisco Routers

Configuration on Router R1

config t
! assigning name to the Router
host R1
! assigning ip address on the interface FastEthernet 0/0
int fa0/0
no sh
ip add
! assigning ip address on the interface FastEthernet 0/1
int fa0/1
no sh
ip add
! pointing default route towards Router R2
ip route
! shows ip address on the interfaces
do sh ip int br

Configuration on Router R2

config t
! assigning name to the Router
host R2
! assigning ip address on the interface FastEthernet 0/0
int fa0/0
no sh
ip add
! static route for Inside Network of Router R1
ip route
! shows ip address on the interfaces
do sh ip int br

Friday, February 21, 2014

SonicWall NSA NAT Field Explained

Original Source
This drop-down is used to identify the Source IP address(es) in the packet crossing the SonicWALL, whether it be across interfaces, or into/out-of VPN tunnels. You can use the dynamic address objects in the SonicWALL, or you can create your own entries. These entries can be single host entries, address ranges, or IP subnets.

Translated Source
This drop-down is what the SonicWALL will translate the specified ‘Original Source’ to as it exits the SonicWALL, whether it be to another interface, or into/out-of VPN tunnels. You can use the dynamic address objects in the SonicWALL, or you can create your own entries. These entries can be single host entries, address ranges, or IP subnets.

Original Destination
This drop-down is used to identify the Destination IP address(es) in the packet crossing the SonicWALL, whether it be across interfaces, or into/out-of VPN tunnels. When creating outbound NAT policies, this entry is usually set to ‘Any’, since the destination of the packet is not being changed, but the source is being changed. However, these entries can be single host entries, address ranges, or IP subnets.

Translated Destination
This drop-down is what the SonicWALL will translate the specified ‘Original Destination’ to as it exits the SonicWALL, whether it be to another interface, or into/out-of VPN tunnels. When creating outbound NAT policies, this entry is usually set to ‘Original’, since the destination of the packet is not being changed, but the source is being changed. However, these entries can be single host entries, address ranges, or IP subnets.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Configuring Cisco Router as DNS Server

Lab Topology and Configuration

Configuration on Router R1
configure terminal
! Assigning name to the Router
hostname R1
! Assigning ip address on the interface FastEthernet 0/0
interface fa0/0
no shutdown
ip add
! Pointing default route towards Router R2
ip route
! Shows ip address on the interfaces
do sh ip int br
! Defining location of DNS Server
ip name-server
! Specifying source interface for DNS queries
ip domain-lookup source-interface FastEthernet 0/0

Configuration on Router R2
config t
! Assigning name to the Router
host R2
! Assigning ip address on the interface FastEthernet 0/0
int fa0/0
no sh
ip add
! Assigning ip address on the interface FastEthernet 0/1
int fa0/1
no sh
ip add
! Shows ip address on the interfaces
do sh ip int br
! Enables DNS Service on the Router
ip dns server 
! Configuring R1 and R3 ip address with their hostnames 
ip host
ip host
Configuration on Router R3
config t
! Assigning name to the Router
host R3
! Assigning ip address on the interface FastEthernet 0/0
int fa0/0
no sh
ip add
! Pointing default route towards Router R2
ip route
! Shows ip address on the interfaces
do sh ip int br
! Defining location of DNS Server
ip name-server
! Specifying source interface for DNS queries
ip domain-lookup source-interface FastEthernet 0/0


Initial Configuration for Cisco SDM, Cisco CCP and Syslog Server

Configuration on Router R1

config t
! assigning name to the Router
host R1
! assigning ip address on the interface FastEthernet 0/0
int fa0/0
no sh
ip add
! assigning ip address on the interface FastEthernet 0/1
int fa0/1
no sh
ip add
! pointing default route towards Router R2
ip route
! shows ip address on the interfaces
do sh ip int br

Configuration on Router R2

config t
! assigning name to the Router
host R2
! assigning ip address on the interface FastEthernet 0/0
int fa0/0
no sh
ip add
! assigning ip address on the interface FastEthernet 0/1
int fa0/1
no sh
ip add
! static route for Inside Network of Router R1 
ip route
! shows ip address on the interfaces
do sh ip int br

Configuration on Router R3

config t
! assigning name to the Router
host R3
! assigning ip address on the interface FastEthernet 0/0
int fa0/0
no sh
ip add
! pointing default route towards Router R2
ip route
! shows ip address on the interfaces
do sh ip int br

Initial Configuration for three routers !!!

Configuration on Router R1

config t
! assigning name to the Router
host R1
! assigning ip address on the interface FastEthernet 0/0
int fa0/0
no sh
ip add
! pointing default route towards Router R2
ip route
! shows ip address on the interfaces
do sh ip int br

Configuration on Router R2

config t
! assigning name to the Router
host R2
! assigning ip address on the interface FastEthernet 0/0
int fa0/0
no sh
ip add
! assigning ip address on the interface FastEthernet 0/1
int fa0/1
no sh
ip add
! shows ip address on the interfaces
do sh ip int br

Configuration on Router R3

config t
! assigning name to the Router
host R3
! assigning ip address on the interface FastEthernet 0/0
int fa0/0
no sh
ip add
! pointing default route towards Router R2
ip route
! shows ip address on the interfaces
do sh ip int br

NTP with Authentication !!!

Lab : NTP with Authentication !!!

Lab Topology !!!

For theory link on the below link

Configuration on R1 as Client, Here Router R1 is acting as NTP Client

! shows date and time
show clock
config t
! assigning name to the Router
host R1
! assigning ip address on the interface FastEthernet 0/1
int fa0/0
no sh
ip add
! pointing default route towards Router R2
ip route
! shows ip address on the interfaces
do sh ip int br
! locating ntp server
ntp server
! providing servers credentials to get associated as ntp client
ntp trusted-key 9000529
ntp authentication-key 9000529 md5 arshnetworks

Configuration on Router R2, Here Router R2 is acting as NTP Server

! displays date and time
show clock
! lets set date as 13 feb 2014 and time as 2pm 
clock set 14:00:00 13 Feb 2014 ! syntax clock set hours:minutes:seconds date month year 
config t
! assigning name to the Router
host R2
! assigning ip address on the interface FastEthernet 0/0
int fa0/0
no sh
ip add
! assigning ip address on the interface FastEthernet 0/1
int fa0/1
no sh
ip add
! shows ip address on the interfaces
do sh ip int br
! lets make R2 as NTP server
ntp master
! lets enable authentication on NTP server
ntp authenticate
! lets set credentials for authentication
ntp trusted-key 9000529
ntp authentication-key 9000529 md5 arshnetworks

Configuration on Router R3, Here Router R3 is acting as NTP Client

config t
! assigning name to the Router
host R3
! assigning ip address on the interface FastEthernet 0/0
int fa0/0
no sh
ip add
! pointing default route towards Router R2
ip route
! shows ip address on the interfaces
do sh ip int br
! locating ntp server
ntp server
! providing servers credentials to get associated as ntp client
ntp trusted-key 9000529
ntp authentication-key 9000529 md5 arshnetworks

Verification Commands

! Displays the status of NTP associations, including the status of the GPS reference clock, likely to be used on client side
show ntp associations

! Displays the status of NTP.
show ntp status

! Allows advanced monitoring of reference clock activities for the purposes of debugging.
debug ntp refclock

Graphical Management of Cisco Routers !!!

Lab For Graphical Management of Cisco Routers !!!

Lab Topology

Note : For Initial Configuration visit Config's Page

Tutorial Link :

Step 1: Enable http service on the Router

Command : ip http server

Step 2: To Enable Authentication on http access

Command : ip http authentication local

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Weekend Tip:

Success Comes When you work hard !!!
In Today's IT Market integeration is very important..... Don't stick to One Technology, explore more technologies that will create more opportunities for you in the market !!! Plan for a beautiful career , stick on plans, surely you will see a very good presult.... 

Never give up, No matter what keep moving !!!!!

Have a wonderful Weekend !!!!!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Cisco released IOS-XR on VM called XRv. You guys can use it to study for your CCNA, CCNP, CCIE for SP track. 

Download it, Install it and go for it.

XRv download link:!y&mdfid=285013070&softwareid=280805694&release=5.1.1&os

Installation guide for the VM for ESXi:

A brief tutorial:

Have fun.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

CCNP - New Syllabus | Effective from 22 April 2014

CCNP Securtiy New Four Papers !!!!

1. Implementing Cisco  Secure Access Solutions (SISAS) 300-208 

2. Implementing Cisco Edge Network Security  Solutions (SITCS) 300-207 

3. Implementing Cisco Secure Mobility Solutions (SENSS) 300-206

4. Implementing Cisco Threat Control Solutions  (SIMOS) 300-209


1. Implementing Cisco  Secure Access Solutions (SISAS)300-208


1. CCNA Security or valid CCSP (or any) 
2. CCIE certification can act as a prerequisite

Course Content

Implementing Cisco Secure Access Solutions (SISAS) v1.0 is a newly created five-day instructor-led training course that is part of the curriculum path leading to the Cisco Certified Network Professional Security (CCNP Security) certification. Additionally, it is designed to prepare security engineers with the knowledge and hands-on experience so that they can deploy Cisco’s Identity Services Engine and 802.1X secure network access. The goal of the course is to provide students with foundational knowledge and the capabilities to implement and managed network access security by utilizing Cisco ISE appliance product solution. The student will gain hands-on experience with configuring various advance Cisco security solutions for mitigating outside threats and securing devices connecting to the network. At the end of the course, students will be able to reduce the risk to their IT infrastructures and applications using Cisco’s ISE appliance feature and provide operational support identity and network access control.

Course Objectives

Upon completing this course, the learner will be able to meet these overall objectives:

01. Understand Cisco Identity Services Engine architecture and access control capabilities.
02. Understand 802.1X architecture, implementation and operation.
03. Understand commonly implemented Extensible Authentication Protocols (EAP).
04. Implement Public-Key Infrastructure with ISE.
05. Understand the implement Internal and External authentication databases.
06. Implement MAC Authentication Bypass.
07. Implement identity based authorization policies.
08. Understand Cisco TrustSec features.
09. Implement Web Authentication and Guest Access.
10. Implement ISE Posture service.
11. Implement ISE Profiling.
12. Understand Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) with ISE.
13. Troubleshoot ISE.

Course Outline

01. Course Introduction
02. Lab Guide
03. Threat Mitigation through Identity Services
04. Cisco ISE Fundamentals
05. Advance Access Control
06. Web Authentication and Guest Access
07. Endpoint Access Control
08. Troubleshooting Network Access Control


2. Implementing Cisco Threat Control Solutions (SITCS) 1.0


1.CCNA Security or valid CCSP.or any 
2.CCIE certification can act as a prerequisite

Course Content

Implementing Cisco Threat Control Solutions (SITCS) v1.0 is a newly created five-day instructor-led training course, which is part of the curriculum path leading to the Cisco Certified Network Professional Security (CCNP Security) certification. Additionally, it is designed to prepare security engineers with the knowledge and hands-on experience so that they can deploy Cisco’s Next Generation Firewall (NGFW) as well as Web Security, Email Security and Cloud Web Security. The goal of the course is to provide students with foundational knowledge and the capabilities to implement and managed security on Cisco ASA firewalls utilizing Cisco Next Generation product solution which integrates Cisco Prime Security Manager for managing identity policies. The student will gain hands-on experience with configuring various advance Cisco security solutions for mitigating outside threats and securing traffic traversing the firewall. At the end of the course, students will be able to reduce the risk to their IT infrastructures and applications using Cisco’s Next Generation Firewall security appliance feature and provide operational support for Intrusion Prevention Systems, Email Security, and Web based security appliances.

Course Objectives

Upon completing this course, the learner will be able to meet these overall objectives:

01. Understand Cisco ASA Next-Generation Firewall (NGFW)
02. Deploy Cisco Web Security appliance to mitigate malware
03. Configure Web Security appliance for acceptable use controls
04. Configure Cisco Cloud Web Security Connectors
05. Describe Cisco Email Security Solution
06. Configure Cisco Email Appliance Incoming and Outgoing Policies
07. Describe IPS Threat Controls
08. Configure and Implement Cisco IPS Sensor into a Network.

Course Outline

01. Course Introduction
02. Cisco ASA (CX) NGFW (Next Generation Firewall)
03. Cisco Web Security Appliance
04. Cisco Cloud Web Security
05. Cisco Email Security Appliance
06. Cisco Intrusion Prevention Systems -Lab Guide


3. Implementing Cisco Edge Network Security Solutions (SENSS) 1.0


1. CCNA Security or valid CCSP or any 
2. CCIE certification can act as a prerequisite

Course Content

Implementing Cisco Edge Network Security Solutions (SENSS) v1.0 is a newly created five-day instructor-led training course that is part of the curriculum path leading to the Cisco Certified Network Professional Security (CCNP Security) certification. Additionally, it is designed to prepare security engineers with the knowledge and hands-on experience to prepare them to configure Cisco perimeter edge security solutions utilizing Cisco Switches, Cisco Routers, and Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) Firewalls. The goal of the course is to provide students with foundational knowledge and the capabilities to implement and managed security on Cisco ASA firewalls, Cisco Routers with the firewall feature set, and Cisco Switches. The student will gain hands-on experience with configuring various perimeter security solutions for mitigating outside threats and securing network zones. At the end of the course, students will be able to reduce the risk to their IT infrastructures and applications using Cisco Switches, Cisco ASA, and Router security appliance feature and provide detailed operations support for these products.

Course Objectives

01. Understanding and implementing Cisco modular Network Security Architectures such as SecureX and TrustSec.
02. Deploy Cisco Infrastructure management and control plane security controls.
03. Configuring Cisco layer 2 and layer 3 data plane security controls.
04. Implement and maintain Cisco ASA Network Address Translations (NAT).
05. Implement and maintain Cisco IOS Software Network Address Translations (NAT).
06. Designing & deploying Cisco Threat Defense solutions on a Cisco ASA utilizing access policy application & identity based     inspection.
07. Implementing Botnet Traffic Filters.
08. Deploying Cisco IOS Zone-Based Policy Firewalls (ZBFW).
09. Configure and verify Cisco IOS ZBFW Application Inspection Policy.

Course Outline

01. Course Introduction
02. Cisco Secure Design Principles
03. Deploying Cisco Network Infrastructure Protection Solutions
04. Deploying NAT on Cisco IOS and Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) Firewalls
05. Deploying Threat Controls on Cisco ASA Firewalls
06. Deploying Threat Controls on Cisco IOS Software
07. Lab Guide


04. Implementing Cisco Secure Mobility Solutions (SIMOS) 1.0


01. CCNA Security or valid CCSP (or any)
02. CCIE certification can act as a prerequisite

Course Content

Implementing Cisco Secure Mobility Solutions (SIMOS) v1.0 is a newly created five-day instructor-led training (vILT) course that is part of the curriculum path leading to the Cisco Certified Network Professional Security (CCNP Security) certification. This course is designed to prepare network security engineers with the knowledge and skills they need to protect data traversing a public or shared infrastructure such as the Internet by implementing and maintaining Cisco VPN solutions. Students of this course will gain hands-on experience with configuring and troubleshooting remote access and site-to-site VPN solutions, using Cisco ASA adaptive security appliances and Cisco IOS routers.

Course Objectives

Upon completing this course, the learner will be able to meet these overall objectives:

01. Describe the various VPN technologies and deployments as well as the cryptographic algorithms and protocols that provide VPN security.
02. Implement and maintain Cisco site-to-site VPN solutions.
03. Implement and maintain Cisco FlexVPN in point-to-point, hub-and-spoke, and spoke-to-spoke IPsec VPNs.
04. Implement and maintain Cisco clientless SSL VPNs.
05. Implement and maintain Cisco AnyConnect SSL and IPsec VPNs.
06. Implement and maintain endpoint security and dynamic access policies (DAP).

Course Outline

01. Course Introduction
02. Fundamentals of VPN Technologies and Cryptography
03. Deploying Secure Site-to-Site Connectivity Solutions
04. Deploying Cisco IOS Site-to-Site FlexVPN Solutions
05. Deploying Clientless SSL VPN -Deploying AnyConnect VPN for Remote Access
06. Deploying Endpoint Security and Dynamic Access Policies & #61550; Lab Guide